Monday, February 15, 2010

Why Do Some People Get Hiccups More Than Others Why Do Some People Get Hiccups Alot More Than Others?

Why do some people get hiccups alot more than others? - why do some people get hiccups more than others

As always get the hiccups, but I do not remember the last time my husband had


Phoenix said...

Hiccup is known that often develop in certain situations, such as eating too fast, too long, hungry, with a cold drink while eating a hot meal, belching, eating very hot or spicy, laugh or cough and consumption of alcoholic beverages excess, the love of God, weeping (causes air to enter the stomach), some unusual situations in which the inhalation of fumes (snuff or smoke appear different, such as cannabis, the precursor by a cough) causes, electrolyte imbalance, talking too long , or the lack of vitamins. Hiccups may be due to the pressure of the phrenic nerve by other anatomical structures, or in rare cases be caused by tumors and certain kidney diseases.

You may have one or more of these situations.

KiRACASN... said...

Usually hiccups regulate their breathing. If your breathing becomes irregular and can not repair your car hiccups. Nothing to worry about. I have all the time. What if you laugh at the amount you have hiccups or drunk. If you laugh at a time some time to catch my breath and when the body's own drunk, trying to help your liver and kidneys, so it hiccups, so that your breathing is the same.

adams223... said...

a hiccup is taken from the air in the stomach. So someone with a smaller stomach, it would probably be more hiccups, as they are less tolerance for excess gas due to lack of space. Someone with a large belly would hiccup more b / c they need less air to escape and take the other end after digestion.

That is not true, but my intuition.

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