Can genital herpes be spread to somebody with cold sores? - herpes outbreak on face
I have genital herpes. My friend has cold sores. I researched this with mixed results. I know that HSV2 spread with or without the presence of an epidemic can. How else is transmitted through open wounds? I read that HSV2 can be spread his mouth is in the form of HSV1? What wounds appear, HSV1 or HSV2? With everything I read, I found nothing about them with lesions on the genitals or herpes outbreaks on their faces. How safe is oral sex for us? All information is greatly appreciated.
Cold sores can cause genital herpes can cause sores and genital herpes.
The herpes simplex virus type 1 is usually cold sores, while herpes simplex virus type 2 genital herpes in general. I say "normally", but because both herpes simplex 1 and 2 both cold sores and genital herpes can cause.
If a person gives to another person, cold sores oral sex, that person can develop genital herpes. In fact, I have 30% of people with genital herpes herpes simplex) cold type 1 (herpes in general. I have conflicting articles about whether the wounds can be spread when a person is present or not read. According to some sources that can not be spread when a person does not tell the pain in the sources of assets and others that do that if you have an active ulcer, or may not happen.
In addition, when a person has genital herpes and oral sex to a person someone they can cause to develop a cold sore. Genital herpes can be transmitted when a key person is present or not, if cold sores, as opposed to. I contracted genital herpes more than 5 tonsRS is a guy who had no signs or symptoms of the virus (for example) a house. My friend gave me, there are about 10 months. I did not have an outbreak in almost 2 years and he still went to him!
Wounds that are caused by the herpes simplex 1 a.m.-2 p.m. exactly the same. Genital herpes is usually several wounds, ulcers in the mouth, where only one or two.
If your friend had oral sex it is possible to develop it for you, the herpes simplex virus type 1 (with the herpes simplex type 2, which has already been done). And in May, he developed herpes simplex virus type 2 in the lips and the mouth (with the herpes simplex type 1, which has already been done). But if you give his girlfriend oral sex can not do anything for them. Because you are not cold sores can not be transmitted herpes to her for oral sex. You can transmit herpes, though by having vaginal or anal.
HSV1 and HSV2 is the virus of cold sores (similar, but is different). HSV1 is usually oral but may be genitals. Over 30% of people with genital herpes have HSV1. HSV1, not a fraction less cotageous much as HSV2.
If you cold sores, HSV1, lips have an opportunity to get on the mouth HSV2 is very, very low. Most doctors have never been to the oral HSV2 infection. Orally is safe for you. It can happen, good. Having HSV1 and HSV2 in the same place is almost impossible. Bla bla .... which may well happen.
Because she has HSV1 antibodies in your body, it is a kind of HSV2 immune to infection by 40% or something (please, on this subject can be trained?). But you still can. It has something to do with the virus that almost the same. that 50% of the shares in their DNA.
In addition, make sure you have HSV2. Perhaps you have a genital HSV1. If so, you are much better. You can get HEPRO twice:)
Yes, you can catch genital herpes sores. This happened to one of my friends who are in a monogamous marriage relationship. She gave her husband, who had a wound on his lips. The doctor told her once that extends from mouth sex, genital herpes. I do not think you can at least one herpes during oral sex.
YES ... I work in a clinic. And then there was this question from one of our documents, in gynecology and obstetrics. And he said that genital herpes can be started from wounds, cold sores /. When the first cold sore is a bubble starts and you can get a cold sore, or ask someone suffering from genital herpes. Once can not infect the wounds dried and the scab has fallen anyone. But always be cautious and make sure that the healing of the skin. Only if the bubble is there and the discharge or runny nose. What looks like a cold sore varies from person to person. Some are blistering, and some look like red patches on the lip, or a portion of the face. And some people are worse than others. Think not to kiss you touch it, or someone when they first broke out. And always disinfect their hands after touching the right or ointments for the blisters.
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